Originally, I had wanted to create a butterfly that flapped it's wings when you moved closer to it, but that proved difficult to get the servo to have the right amount of force to pull the wings back. Alyssa had suggested adding some sort of tension on the butterfly wings so that it snapped back after it was pulled, but since the servo lacked the force to pull it back it ended up not working out.  So, instead I opted for making the butterfly move back and forth instead. I wanted it to seem apprehensive, and tentatively flutter back and forth when you approached it. My idea was that butterflies sometimes enjoy being around people and sometimes don't so this behavior could be mimicked with staggered movement. 
This is my completed work! I chose to add some paint finishes to make the butterfly pop and add a grassy platform! I also added a flower so that it adds to the scenery and looks like the butterfly is going to and from the flower based on the sensor. 

This project is called "A Butterfly in Motion" and was my first time using circuity and the Raspberry Pi! It was really cool to fiddle with the connections and movements for the servo and see the finished product. I learned a lot from this project with regards to circuitry, especially understanding what paths had to be connected and where to place resistors and the ground wires so that everything was functional. I also learned that there was so many different variations of movement that could be accomplished with one small servo and how programming something as simple as a change in the angle could impact the whole piece and the meaning. With this piece I also learned some of the limitations of the servo because I had originally wanted to have the butterfly flap its wings, but due to the thickness of the cardboard, the servo would have needed to exert a lot of force onto the piece to allow it to move in the way I wanted. So, I opted for this movement that is slightly erratic to show a apprehension that the butterfly has when you come close to it, as if its not quite sure whether to move closer to you or farther away. The incorporation of the flower on the piece also emphasizes this as butterflies often move towards flowers, but people coming nearby introduces an extra factor in their decision process for moving. If I had more time, I would've tried to incorporate more complexities into the movement, or even had the butterfly moving up and down instead of back and forth so that the movement was more drastic. Overall, I'm proud of how the piece turned out and looking forward to working more with circuitry in the future!

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